Cost of Attendance

COA是由校长办公室批准的预算,估计参加加州州立大学的费用, Fullerton for credential students.

以下是关于2023-2024学年和2022-2023学年我们的证书学生的出勤费用的信息. 每个部分提供基本费用(学费和校园强制性费用),书本费 & supplies, room & 伙食费、交通费、贷款费及杂项费用. 每个部分代表全日制注册和半全日制注册COA.

Important Note列出的所有科罗拉多州立大学学费都是估计的,经科罗拉多州立大学董事会批准后可能会发生变化.

CSUF, Net Price Calculator

Costs to Attend

The costs to attend California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), also called the Cost of Attendance (COA), 反映了九个月学年的估计费用. 标准费用包括州学费, 基本教育费用,如两个学期的书本费和生活用品费, an allowance for room and board, transportation, and other basic living expenses.

In accordance with California Assembly Bill 990, CSUF提供了奥兰治县一居室公寓的典型市场成本, 圣安娜-阿纳海姆-欧文加州HUD都会区2024财政年度, which is $2,344 per month. 包括在校外出勤费用中的食宿费用代表了学生在CSUF注册时支付的典型费用, 很多住在校外的学生都有室友吗, which decreases their housing costs. Actual costs of room and board will vary.


How Does Cal State Fullerton Assign My COA?

费用根据你的学习成绩水平和住房计划而有所不同. 左侧的链接显示了每个学术级别的coa.  If you attend CSUF only one semester, 或者如果你在常规学期之外参加暑期班, we prorate your costs.

当我们收到您的免费联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)或加州梦想法案申请(CDA)时, 我们检查你是否在FAFSA或CDA上表明了你的住房计划. 如果你做到了,我们会分配以下三种预算之一:

  • At home with parent/relative
  • On-campus, if confirmed by Housing
  • Off-campus apartment/house

What Is The Policy If I Plan To Live On-Campus?

最初,我们将根据您在FAFSA上填写的住房计划确定您的就读费用. Starting in early summer, 住房和居住生活办公室增加了服务指标,表明学生有有效的住房合同.  在此之后,只有那些服务指标积极的学生才会被分配到校园预算. 如果你最初在FAFSA上表明你计划住在校园里,但你没有住房服务指标,我们会将你的出勤成本调整为“在家”,并根据出勤成本的变化进行必要的奖励调整.


如果您没有在FAFSA上告诉我们您的住房计划,我们将分配一个“在家”预算. 如果这是不正确的,你不会住在家里, with a parent or relative, 你需要通知财政援助办公室这一更正.

您可以通过下载并完成  Housing Update FormPDF File , please download it from the Form page. 你的房东证明表格或附上适当的文件到表格,并提交给财政援助办公室. 

What If I Want My Assigned COA To Be Changed?

COA的变化通常不会影响助学金,但它可能会影响你当年可以借的贷款金额. 这是因为“家庭贡献”决定了大多数奖助金计划的资格. 如果你想知道住房状况的变化是否会影响你的奖励, please contact our office. 如有必要,我们很乐意更改您的COA. We may require documentation, such as a copy of your lease or rental agreement, 在把你的预算从家里改到校外之前. 如果你的预算增加了你获得财政援助资金的资格, 我们将根据您提出请求时的资金可用性调整您的奖励.


From a financial aid perspective, 你的出勤费(COA)反映了你在整个学年可能获得的最高金额的经济援助. This includes federal grants, state grants, institutional grants, federal and private loans, scholarships, and other third-party aid.

Important Note



(Enrolled in 7 or more units per semester)

Budget Item Teacher Credential Student:
(Living with Parent(s) or Relative(s))
Teacher Credential Student:
On Campus
(Living in Residence Hall/Dorm)
Teacher Credential Student:
Off Campus
(Living in Apartment)
Fees* $8,448 $8,448 $8,448
Books & Supplies $1,005 $1,005 $1,005
Food/Housing $10,158 $18,898 $19,074
Misc. $2,672 $2,828 $3,390
Transportation $2,742 $1,615 $2,800
Loan Fee $72 $72 $72
Total $25,097 $32,866 $34,789


(Enrolled in 6 or less units per semester)

Budget Item Teacher Credential Student:
(Living with Parent(s) or Relative(s))
Teacher Credential Student:
On Campus
(Living in Residence Hall/Dorm)
Teacher Credential Student:
Off Campus
(Living in Apartment)
Fees* $5,484 $5,484 $5,484
Books & Supplies $1,005 $1,005 $1,005
Food/Housing $10,158 $18,898 $19,074
Misc. $2,672 $2,828 $3,390
Transportation $2,742 $1,615 $2,800
Loan Fee $72 $72 $72
Total $22,133 $29,902 $31,825


(Enrolled in 7 or more units per semester)

Budget Items Teacher Credential Student:
(Living with Parent(s) or Relative(s))
Teacher Credential Student:
On Campus
(Living in Residence Hall/Dorm)
Teacher Credential Student:
Off Campus
(Living in Apartment)
Fees* $7,992 $7,992 $7,992
Books & Supplies $964 $964 $964
Food/Housing $9,420 $18,348 $18,464
Misc. $2,568 $2,718 $3,258
Transportation $2,604 $1,534 $2,660
Loan Fee $72 $72 $72
Total $23,620 $31,628 $33,410


(Enrolled in 6 or less units per semester)

Budget Items Teacher Credential Student:
(Living with Parent(s) or Relative(s))
Teacher Credential Student:
On Campus
(Living in Residence Hall/Dorm)
Teacher Credential Student:
Off Campus
(Living in Apartment)
Fees* $5,196 $5,196 $5,196
Books & Supplies $964 $964 $964
Food/Housing $9,420 $18,348 $18,464
Misc. $2,568 $2,718 $3,258
Transportation $2,604 $1,534 $2,660
Loan Fee $72 $72 $72
Total $20,824 $28,832 $30,614