
加州梦想法案服务激励资助计划(DSIG)鼓励加州梦想法案申请(CADAA)学生与加州助学金B奖执行社区或志愿者服务.  在2023-2024学年,加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)可以奖励高达 $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester). 助学金将提供给学生最多8个学期,如果他们有一个有效的Cal助学金B或A奖(符合两个资格).  

学生需要每年申请参加DSIG.  Students will first submit the DSIG Grant Application 被录取的程序,然后提交 Payment Request form(s) upon completion of the volunteer hours. 


  • Must have a completed and submitted California Dream Act Application (CADAA) Opens in new window 对于学年,提交DSIG申请.

  • Must be an active recipient of a Cal Grant B or A award; Cal Grant A recipients must meet Cal Grant B eligibility.

  • Enrolled  in at least half-time of 6 units.
  • 必须有足够的经济需求:至少4美元,500美元的未满足的经济需求,有资格获得高达2美元,250 per semester.

  • 在该学年完成社区或志愿服务时间.  在第一次付款之前,必须完成至少150小时的学习,每学年两次付款总共300小时.

  • Must meet SAP: Satisfactory Academic Progress.  Opens in new window


  • 《正规靠谱的彩票平台》第501(c)(3)条规定的非营利组织. 

  • 任何联邦、州或地方政府实体. 

  • Any school or organization on the List of Service Organizations Opens in new window

  • 不在“服务机构名单”内的合资格服务机构可向 CSAC Opens in new window

  • 应在参与学生开始服务时间的第一天之前至少成立两年.

  • 所做的服务必须与你的研究领域有关,或者是为进一步的社区服务或社区需求服务.

DSIG Application Process

  1. 完成加州梦想法案服务激励拨款计划的DSIG申请 websiteOpens in new window . Sections of the application:

    • Section 1 – Student Demographic information

    • Section 2 – School of Attendance Information; section must be signed by Financial Aid Office

      • 将表格亲自提交到我们的办公室(戈登厅- 146),通过邮件或通过我们的安全 Document Submission PlatformOpens in new window and select Other from the forms drop-down menu. Form will be signed and returned to student within 1-2 weeks; form can be picked up from the office or emailed back

    • Section 3 – Service Organization Information; student must have the certifying officials who will be verifying completion of service hours sign this section

    • Section 4 – Student Agreement

  2. 一旦所有的部分都已完成-财政援助办公室和服务机构(s)已经签署了相应的部分-学生然后提交完成的表格加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)。. Email is preferred.

    • Email: studentsupport@csac.ca.gov

    • Or Mail:

      • California Student Aid Commission

        Attn: CA Dream Act Serv Incentive Grant

        P.O. Box 419027

        Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9026

  3. 学生在注册后会收到CSAC的电子邮件.

  4. Student begins performing service hours. 学生和/或服务机构应使用 Service Hours TrackerOpens in new window to document service hours performed.     

DSIG Payment Process

  1. 学生可以在完成至少150小时的社区或志愿服务后申请第一笔报酬. 服务时间必须在学年内完成,定义为7月1日st through June 30th. Student must submit the Payment Request form Opens in new window 同时提供服务时间的记录.

    • 财政援助办公室第二次核实学生的资格, section 2 of Payment Request form, 服务机构确认完成150小时(第3节).

  2. 提交完整的付款申请表格给CSAC. Email is preferred.

    • Email: studentsupport@csac.ca.gov

    • Or Mail:

      • California Student Aid Commission

        Attn: CA Dream Act Serv Incentive Grant

        P.O. Box 419027

        Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9026

  3. 当学生被批准付款时,他们会收到CSAC的电子邮件. 付款将由我们的财政援助办公室处理,可能需要4-5周, 这包括CSAC将资金送到我们办公室所需的时间.

  4. 一旦财政援助办公室准备好支付资金, 它将把DSIG贴在学生的经济援助包上,并向学生发送电子邮件,告知他们对经济援助的修改. If student is signed up for Direct Deposit, 拨款将于拨款后一周内存入.

    • 必须填写一份新的付款申请表以申请付款 second DSIG payment.

    • 对于2023-2024学年,申请付款的截止日期是 September 2024.

For more information:
Please visit the   加州梦想法案服务激励拨款计划网站   Opens in new window 浏览项目概述、更多细节和常见问题.

Call: (888) 224-7268
Email: studentsupport@csac.ca.gov